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FDIC Limits Explained Thumbnail

FDIC Limits Explained

If nothing else, the recent failures of Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic Bank highlighted the importance of Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) insurance. FDIC insurance protects deposits at member banks in the highly unlikely chance that a bank goes under. There are rules and limitations to consider – this is banking, after all – so here’s what you, the nonprofessional, should know about FDIC insurance.

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You've Inherited Money, Now What Should You Do? Thumbnail

You've Inherited Money, Now What Should You Do?

What would you do if you received an inheritance of money? Most people don’t think about this unless they already know it’s coming in the near future. Even then, it can be overwhelming to face all the options you may have and decisions that need to be made as to what to do with the money.

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How Much Do I Need to Retire Comfortably? Thumbnail

How Much Do I Need to Retire Comfortably?

Most financial experts advise that you should plan to have saved enough money to generate 80% of your pre-retirement annual income each year in order to retire comfortably. Is that a goal that you feel you can reach or is it a stretch?

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Bank Run Insights Thumbnail

Bank Run Insights

It’s hard and often counterproductive to comment about breaking news while it’s still moving through the proverbial grinder — which is why we usually don’t. However, we feel it’s worth commenting on the growing number of regional bank runs.

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