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Is Social Security Sustainable? Thumbnail

Is Social Security Sustainable?

If you pay attention to the news, you may have heard the negative predictions about the sustainability of our Social Security fund. . . it’s crucial to look beyond the headlines and understand the underlying challenges the program faces.

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5 Retirement Hobbies You Never Knew Existed Thumbnail

5 Retirement Hobbies You Never Knew Existed

Many people envision spending a comfortable retirement on the golf course or relaxing by the beach. While these activities appeal to some, there’s an entire world of retirement hobbies out there that can keep you active, awaken your creativity, and help you explore your world. So put on your explorer hat and let’s dive in!

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Cash in Kind: Charitable Giving Can Help The Donor As Well As The Cause Thumbnail

Cash in Kind: Charitable Giving Can Help The Donor As Well As The Cause

If you’re like us, you recognize that the world extends far beyond the lines of your immediate family, and perhaps you hope to make a lasting impact on others. But wouldn’t it make the most sense if you could help yourself while at the same time helping others? Let’s explore a few strategies to save more money while gifting to your favorite causes.

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4 Ways to Reduce Your Capital Gains Tax Thumbnail

4 Ways to Reduce Your Capital Gains Tax

According to the IRS, the tax rate on most net capital gains is no higher than 15% for most individuals. Some or all net capital gains may be taxed at 0% if your taxable income is less than or equal to $40,400 for a single or $80,800 for married filing jointly or for a qualifying widow/widower.

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If Widowhood Happened Tomorrow, Would You Be Prepared? Thumbnail

If Widowhood Happened Tomorrow, Would You Be Prepared?

No one wants to think about something happening to someone we love, but it’s important to be prepared. If you were to become a widow tomorrow, would you know what to do? Here, we share some questions to ask yourself in order to prepare for widowhood should it happen.

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Understanding the Home Sale Tax Exclusion Thumbnail

Understanding the Home Sale Tax Exclusion

The home sale process is filled with uncertainties, such as how long it will take to sell and if you will get your asking price. But there's one question that doesn't have to remain a mystery: whether you will owe taxes on the sale of your home.

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